Sughra Khaliq • Apr 15, 2019

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Why period pain is not normal and what it’s trying to tell you.

How many women and girls are told by the doctor that period pain is normal?

How many simply live with it and don’t seek help or advice because we’ve been brought up to believe that pain is normal?

My belief has always been that when something is part of your natural hormone cycle, it shouldn’t be painful.

Don’t accept anyone telling you otherwise.

Pain is our body’s way of telling us that something is out of balance. Modern medicine teaches us to treat the symptoms yet having followed many natural medicine practitioners and more recently Dr Cassie Huckaby of,  I’ve realised that ‘symptoms’ are the ‘healing.’ To treat the symptom is to deny the imbalance, the issue, the deeper reason, the cause and ultimately the message our body is trying to send.

Through Mizan Therapy, my understanding of the causes of period pain has deepened. Mizan combines hands-on therapy, selfcare and herbal remedies. I have learnt that pelvic misalignment, injury, scar tissue and deep seated emotional trauma can all lead to period pain.

I find it so sad that in this day and age, young girls are put straight onto the contraceptive pill to manage their period pain, until they want to have a baby. They’re told it will ease their period pain and they can have more control’.

The truth of the matter is that the pill simply shuts down our natural hormone cycle. The period is no longer a natural period. It’s a breakthrough bleed. 

Nearly all of the body’s functions rely on good hormonal balance so imagine the damage which can be done when our hormones are switched off.


At the age of 25, exactly this happened to me. Bleeding between periods, spotting, heavy and painful periods let to me being put on the pill to ‘control’ my symptoms. I was told that I should try to have a baby by the age of 30 if the medical profession was to help me. Little did I know that I was applying a band-aid to the problem and I was delaying the healing.

Twenty five years later, I wish I’d known then what I know now. Having said that, the journey (however painful, stressful and turbulent) has given me the knowledge and the wisdom to help so many others like me.

If you’d like to book a FREE 20 minute chat to tell me more about your case, please click below

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What to expect during a Mizan Therapy session. Mizan Therapy can help ALL women to balance their hormones and feel great at any stage of life. Having said that, there are very many specific conditions which can be treated through Mizan Heavy periods Irregular periods Problems conceiving Endometriosis PCOS Prolapse Bowel and bladder issues Pelvic misalignment Perimenopause and menopause symptoms Post-natal and post caesarean healing Digestive disorders, IBS, constipation Before we even get to the treatment, many of you want to know how it works, what’s involved, what happens during the treatment and what maintenance is required. In this post, I’m going to cover what happens when you come for your first session. Prior to the session, you will complete a fairly lengthy consultation form. This is so important as it gives me a good idea about your history. Don’t worry. Some clients don’t want to complete the whole lot, and this is why we talk everything through in person. You can print the consultation out, complete it at home and bring it with you. If you prefer, you can complete it online and send it to me by email. The first session is always at least 2 hours. I never rush you and we take our time to discuss your history. This starts with your main concerns and your health goals. We go back and look at what might have influenced where you are now. Sometimes it’s medical. Sometimes it’s emotional. Sometimes it’s physical. Most of the time, it’s a combination of all those things and I make sure I give you the time and space to talk about whatever comes up for you. Once we’ve had our initial chat (and of course cuppa), I give you some privacy to get ready for the session. I always ask you to bring some comfy clothing such as leggings and a t-shirt to wear during the treatment. You can undress down to your underwear if you’re more comfortable. Your modesty is protected at all times though and you’re covered with soft, cotton sheets and blankets. I always switch on the electric blanket too so you’re extra cosy!
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